A port full of stories.
Content for Port of Antwerp-Bruges.

In a world port like Port of Antwerp-Bruges, cargoes of stories flow in daily. They arrive by water, wash ashore like shells on the beach, lie like towering container ships in the docks and come to life in testimonies from sailors to IT specialists, from crane operators to ship's agents, from lock keepers to logistics specialists.
In a world port like Port of Antwerp-Bruges, cargoes of stories flow in daily. They arrive by water, wash ashore like shells on the beach, lie like towering container ships in the docks and come to life in testimonies from sailors to IT specialists, from crane operators to ship's agents, from lock keepers to logistics specialists.
Port of Antwerp employee with ship.


The thousands of people who work in the port and the hundreds of thousands who live in the region keep in touch with this lifeline of our economy through the stories. As a structural content partner of Port of Antwerp-Bruges, we have been allowed to help with this for several years.

Half a million local residents

Port of Antwerp-Bruges informs nearly half a million local residents in the Bruges, Waasland and Antwerp regions about everything to do with the port through its website and a quarterly door-to-door magazine Thuishaven. Together with the client, we developed the concept for this content and now take care of part of the editing, design, image creation, printing and distribution.

Three editions

The magazine is published in three regional editions. This allows us to bring specific news to the regions of Bruges, Waasland and Antwerp in the regional section.

Home port cover

Print and web

The stories from the print magazine are simultaneously published by the client on the Port of Antwerp-Bruges website. On the website, the stories are also supplemented by the client with enrichments where possible, from video to 3D.

Port of Antwerp-Bruges spreadPort of Antwerp-Bruges spread

People in port context

As a print magazine, Thuishaven should draw the viewer in at the first glance and make it clear that it is about the port.

Visually, we choose a cover with a focus on people in a port context.

In terms of content, we bring to the cover a topic that is socially relevant and appeals to many people. Women in the port, for example, or innovation in the port.

Information depth

We bring the central story across several pages in the issue. Visually, we thus further deepen the reader's sense of the port. Content-wise, we can highlight different facets and thus achieve an interesting depth of information.

Thuishave coverHome port spread

Structural supplement at internal media desk

The client also engages JaJa structurally as an extra capacity and buffer for their media desk. For example, we provide copy and design for the staff magazine. We also regularly create infographics, digital brochures, visuals and designs for events and trade shows.

NOC visualHarbour toppersPort Clean up coverHotline mail
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